"- Yo tenía veintitantos. Me acababan de expulsar de la universidad tras una conferencia sobre la influencia de la filosofía alemana en el rock'n'roll, titulada 'You, Kant, always get what you want'"
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (John Cameron Mitchell, 2001)
STEPHEN TRASK..........Wig In A Box
STEPHEN TRASK..........Wig In A Box
I put on some make-up
and turn up the eight-track
I'm pulling the wig down from the shell
Suddenly I'm Miss Farraw Fawcett
from TV
until I wake up
and turn back to myself
I put on some make-up
and turn up the eight-track
I'm pulling the wig down from the shell
Suddenly I'm Miss Farraw Fawcett
from TV
until I wake up
and turn back to myself